Trademark is segregated within 45 variant classes according to NICE classification for a trademark, it is also recognized as International Certification of Goods and Services. Every class includes a distinct set of goods and services. Class 21 trademark consists of small, hand-operated utensils and apparatus for household and kitchen along with washroom equipment and articles in porcelain.
Did you know? There are 45 distinct trademark classes in India, as per the Trademark Act. These classes assist applicants in avoiding future trademark objections and allowing for the seamless and fast registration of the mark.
Here is the comprehensive guide to Trademark Filing Classification Class 21. Trademarks should be applied for or enrolled in classes, with each class representing a look for specific products or services. This post will go through all the goods that fall under Class 21 of the established section.
Also read: Goods under Trademark Class 18: Leather and Leather Imitations
What is Trademark Class 21?
Trademark Class 21 revolves around household or kitchen utensils and trays; combs and sponges; brushes (but apart from the brush); brush-making equipment; cleaning articles; steelwool; unused or semi-worked glass (apart from the glass used in construction); glassware, porcelain, and earthenware not covered by other classes.
The category of Trademark Class 21 includes the following goods:
(1) Glassware, in particular dishes and glass pitchers; all included in Class 21, not elsewhere specified or included.
(2) Glasses, including glass plates and glass platters, mainly suitable for serving beverages and/or sandwiches, with or without handles; all included in Class 21, not elsewhere specified or included.
(3) Cutlery, namely cocktail forks, dessert forks, butter spreaders, and cheese spreaders; all included in Class 21, not elsewhere specified or included.
Class 21 also contains the following items:
- Utensils and containers for household and cooking use, such as kitchen gadgets, pails, pans of iron, aluminium, plastics, or other components, and small hand-operated gear for cutting, grinding, or pressing;
- Powered combs;
- Electric toothbrushes;
- Dish stands and dispenser stands.
As a result, Trademark Class 21 predominantly contains tiny, hand-operated cutlery and culinary equipment, as well as toilet utensils, glasses, and ceramic tile goods.
Class 21 trademark is a trademark that relates to a product or service that is used by a business to identify itself. The most important part of class 21 trademarks is the logo, which must be distinctive and not similar to any other trademarks. The purpose of this trademark is to prevent anyone from putting out competing products with similar names and packaging and to ensure that consumers know exactly what they’re getting when they purchase something under this category.
What are the products under Class 21?
Kitchen appliances are a household category that can sometimes be overlooked. In the Household category, you can find a bartan brush, a machine for cleaning kitchen feathers, a plastic vessel stand, and a steel kitchen set for a baby. These tools provide unique kitchen storage solutions for the seasoned or novice cook. Some of the tools in this category may seem unassuming, like the garlic press, but once you realize it cleans hands from being covered in garlic without touching food, you’ll realize how much time it saves!
Purchasing these items as a part of a set is also an easy way to get organized for everyday cooking and baking. Oven mitts help safely grab hot pots from ovens while not risking burns!
You must find one that is made of high-quality material. The best dishwasher brush will last longer and will not lose shape easily. You should ensure that it has a long life span so that you don’t have to replace it often. There are many other types of cleaning brushes available. Depending on their purpose, they vary in size and shape, but they all serve the same purpose of cleaning dirty surfaces which also includes countertops or floors. The two most common types include wire bristles and scrubbers, which are both designed to remove dirt from hard surfaces like tiles and grout lines without damaging them with excessive scrubbing pressure. Wire bristles are available in different shapes, such as round, oval, square, and rectangle, which gives you more options when choosing which type will work best for your particular application (floor vs. countertop).
Also read: Know About Trademark Class 3 – Cosmetics and Cleaning Substances
One of the best examples of kitchen items typically categorized in Class 21 is glassware kitchen items. This household category includes items such as kitchen utensils, mugs, glasses, tabelwares, tumblers, drinkwares, jars, and spoons. Many businesses’ glass is made with recycled materials and is strong enough to withstand daily use. They specialize in manufacturing glassware kitchen items for various applications, such as bars, restaurants, offices, and homes.
Serving Ware
Household glassware and kitchen utensils include dishes, drinking glasses, flatware, serving dishes, and oven mitts. We all have such kitchen household items at our place, whether its a tea pot or a cake baking pan. It all comes under serving ware which holds the trade mark of class 21. All things can be organised with one of the kitchen household items. The best choice for storing anything from toilet pot cake design to a plastic vessel stand.
The kitchen wear included in Class 21 includes a wide variety of items necessary for day-to-day cooking. Cutlery, pots, pans, serving utensils, plates, bowls, and other glassware used during meal preparation can all be found under this category. If you’re hosting any holiday dinners or family gatherings, such household items prove useful. The Pital Ka kitchen set range was created from initial research into what people wanted from their kitchen furniture: they wanted something they could use to store food, drink, and other items while cooking or preparing meals. The designers listened carefully to customer feedback and decided on a new approach to kitchen storage furniture. Rather than designing an entire range of different products which would only be used in certain situations (like storing cups), they decided instead to create a series of modular pieces of the Pital Ka kitchen set, which could be mixed to create whatever storage solution would best suit your needs.
Cutlery (Knives, Forks, Spoons)
Utensils are more than just something to eat; they’re often a key part of the cooking process. Whether it’s a wooden spoon for stirring soup, tongs for flipping meat, or a spatula for evenly coating fried eggs in oil, any cook will tell you that every kitchen needs some utensils. With this trademark class, you’ll be able to find all the tools necessary to create your very own home kitchen, from mixing bowls to measuring cups and everything in between.
1) Measuring cups
2) Mixing bowls
The baby steel kitchen set is perfect for parents who want to keep their children safe but also want them to have fun. This baby steel kitchen set includes the necessary tools and accessories to allow your little one to cook and prepare meals.
The set includes:
A pot lifter that can be used as a spoon
A spork, which can also double as a fork or knife
Two serving spoons
Two serving forks
A measuring cup with a handle
Baking Dishes & Trays
When selecting one, the main considerations should be the material it is made of, how big you need it to be, and how long it needs to last. Aluminium pans are excellent for baking. They are easy to clean because they can go into the dishwasher. A durable aluminium pan should last several years with proper care. If you don’t want to buy a pan or dish with only one use, like baking cake, then look for other items, such as aluminium trays that could serve ice cream or appetizers at a party.
Plastic Vessel Stand
A plastic vessel stand is a perfect way to display your coffee and tea station. The stand can be used to hold all kinds of coffee cups, cups, mugs, and more. It is also useful for displaying decorative items such as candles and vases. This plastic vessel stand is perfect for holding your favorite beverage while cooking or cleaning. This is a great way to keep your countertop free from clutter and ensure that your choice’s beverage is always within reach.
Storage (Cups, Containers, Bowls)
Utilitarian items include containers of all shapes and sizes and some specific glassware such as vases. These can be less expensive to purchase since many stores, like grocery stores, carry them. Stores like Target also have options for cheaper versions of glassware, usually plastic-lined cups. They might not seem luxurious, but they get the job done.
Tabletop (Napkins, Placemats, Sponges, Coasters)
The tabletop section is a specific area of Class 21 that includes anything relating to the table, such as placemats, napkins, coasters, and sponges. These items are very necessary for any table with food or beverages. Most restaurants use several hundred placemats daily to keep their tables clean. This section would also include small appliances like egg cookers and whisks used in the kitchen. Although these items can be found in other Class 21, they will generally be found in this category.
Kitchen appliances (can openers & Canisters, Bottle Openers and Corkscrews, Oven Mitts, Potholders, Serving Tools)
Also read: Comprehensive Guide on Trademark Class 10 – Surgical & Medical Instruments
Identification of a trademark is crucial before making a registration under a particular classification. It provides protection under that category only. When a trademark is used for goods or services under variant classes, separate applications are needed to be filed under class for trademark safety for respective goods and services. Trademark class 21 is a relevant class as it covers the essentials of daily life.
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