You can use the following methods to calculate the mean of values by group in SAS:
Method 1: Calculate Mean by One Group
proc sql;
select var1, mean(var2) as mean_var2
from my_data
group by var1;
Method 2: Calculate Mean by Multiple Groups
proc sql;
select var1, var2, mean(var3) as mean_var3
from my_data
group by var1, var2;
The following examples show how to use each method with the following dataset in SAS:
/*create dataset*/
data my_data;
input team $ position $ points;
A Guard 15
A Guard 12
A Guard 29
A Forward 13
A Forward 9
A Forward 16
B Guard 25
B Guard 20
B Guard 34
B Forward 19
B Forward 3
B Forward 8
/*view dataset*/
proc print data=my_data;
Example 1: Calculate Mean by One Group
The following code shows how to calculate the mean of points by team:
/*calculate mean of points by team*/
proc sql;
select team, mean(points) as mean_points
from my_data
group by team;
From the output we can see that players on team A scored a mean of 15.66667 points and players on team B scored a mean of 18.16667 points.
Example 2: Calculate Mean by Multiple Groups
The following code shows how to calculate the mean of points, group by team and position:
/*calculate mean of points, grouped by team and position*/
proc sql;
select team, position, mean(points) as mean_points
from my_data
group by team, position;
The resulting table shows the mean of points scored by players based on their team and position.
Additional Resources
The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in SAS:
How to Count Observations by Group in SAS
How to Calculate the Sum by Group in SAS
How to Create Frequency Tables in SAS